Sunday, October 19, 2008

Charcoal Preparation

A charcoal chimney is my preferred method for starting my fires. Two small pieces of newspaper beneath the chimney and coals are ready to go in about 20 minutes.

Another method that I often use, and used here in the rain, is a fire starter square. A few squares with coals arranged around them and the coals are ready to cook in slightly under 20 minutes. These squares do tend to make the fire "hotter" so the life of the coals is lessened. With most meats I am cooking a few minutes of less cooking does not make a difference. (This is the method that I used when I most recently cooked ribs. I just added coals to the fire two different times to keep the heat for four hours.)

The other method, I guess, is to use lighter fluid. However, these above options are easy enough that using lighter fluid is not necessary. In defense of lighter fluid, I guess, if you wait long enough after applying it then you won't risk ruining the flavor.

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