Thursday, December 11, 2008

Happy Birthday

Last week was the annual celebration of Renie's 29th birthday. She, of course, requested steak. Though we didn't have child care we had a great time being together as a family. With Renie quiting work this past year our financial situation has changed quite drastically. However, though we didn't have a table full of presents or really any presents at all I believe it was my favorite birthday so far. Renie ran an errand in the late afternoon and came home shortly after 5:30 to a meal fully prepared with a homemade card from Junior.

The steaks were t-bones received from the cow my parents purchased. (We have ordered half a cow for next year-it will be ready in August). I used a basic beef rub. Feel free to let me know if you want mine but if you google "beef rub" you will get many that are very similar.

Finally, yes I made the cake too...but not on the grill.

1 comment:

Mosshouse said...

It was oh so yummy. Thank you, you sexy grillin' man you!