Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Holiday Grilling

Though I have not updated the blog I have been busy grilling during the past two weeks. The most tasty thing that I cooked was a large flank steak that I cooked on both sides for about 3 minutes. I only cooked one and it was large enough to share for dinner with leftovers for a black and blue salad for lunch. Renie actually marinaded it for about six hours and since I was at work I didn't even ask her what she used.

While deer hunting on the Mississippi River we grilled out twice at the camp house. One night we cooked a mix of venison and beef burgers and another night we cooked pork chops. There were not many spices at the camp house but in my opinion, anything cooked over an open flame is going to be good. I shot a doe so we will have some venison steaks to cook soon.

Tonight we are having friends over to grill out....going to be interesting since it will probably be about 30 degrees when I am standing over the grill! For lunch today I hope to grill a chicken breast. If all goes as planned then I will have two new posts tonight/tomorrow.

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